Everything About How Your Brain Functions And Keeps You Going
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Brain Base: The Brainstem
The cerebral cortex processes and outputs mostly all of the information brought in to the brain. Knowing the functions of the cerebral cortex, how does the information enter and leave the brain? The oldest part of the brain--the brainstem--acts as a gateway for information to be transported from the sensory organs to the brain, and from the brain to the central nervous system. There are several structures on the brainstem that contribute to the main functions of your body. Starting at the spinal cord and moving up to the previously discussed cerebral cortex, the following image shows the layout of the brainstem:The midbrain - fully developed at birth, regulates attention, sleeping, waking, and other automatic functions The Pons - also helps regulate automatic functions such as arousal, sleep, and relaying information from the cerebellum to other parts of the brain The Cerebellum - the latin term for "little brain", laying at the rear of the brain, it is largely involved in motor control such as movement, balance, precision, and coordination The Medulla - along with the midbrain, it is fully developed at birth, and regulates vital functions of living such as heartbeat and respiration
What controls our drive of hunger? Something besides our legs and arms help maintain our balance. Memory is not just a process of seeing or hearing things that we simply recall when we need to. How about our emotions? There is much more going on in our body than just the mere fact that we are happy or sad, calm or upset. All of these bodily functions relate to the human brain moreso than any other part of our anatomy. Our brain controls everything from voluntary and involuntary movements to language and depth perception. This blog will educate readers about every aspect of our main control center--and there are quite a few--and how they work in ways that we never would have thought could be possible. Some of the things our brain can do are simply extraordinary. Follow along and find out for yourself!
I was born in the city of Allentown, PA, and I am currently 21 years old living in Northampton, PA. I'm an easygoing person, very athletic, and a hard worker. Throughout my high school years I achieved a much less than satisfactory acedemic record due to a lack of motivation and priorities. I am now studying at Northampton Community College, achieving high honors and hoping to transfer to a division of Penn State University in the field of psychology. Understanding the human brain has greatly sparked my interest in this field and I am hoping to motivate my readers to become familiar with how it helps us think, feel, and live.
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